Category Archives: Graduate Students

Graduate Students in Max Planck Institute, Germany

Two of our graduate students, Daniel Driscoll and Davide Carpano, are currently abroad in Germany at the Max Planck Institute. Both grad students are having a great time during their travels and Daniel Driscoll said: “It’s been very nice here in Germany. The intellectual environment at Max Planck Institute (MPI) is great for getting work done and connecting with others.” We are all very excited for them here at the Sociology Department, and cannot wait to hear more from both Daniel and Davide.

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2018 Graduate Student Workshop

The UCSD Sociology Department Graduate Student Workshop was held Friday May 18th. This year’s workshops included discussions related to theory, methods, and sociological sub-disciplines, as well as reflections on the past, present, and future of sociology and what makes something sociology (or not).

Throughout the workshop, participants had engaging and interactive discussions both with faculty from the sociology department and with other graduate students. Graduate students from all disciplines were welcome to participate in this year’s workshop as they discussed a variety of theoretical and methodological topics.

The organizing committee would like to thank all attendees for their participation in the graduate workshop, and looks forward to welcoming everyone back to next year’s workshop.

For more photographs of the event and information about the workshop, please visit the workshop site.

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Graduate Student Lauren Olsen Wins ASA Award

Lauren Olsen, PhD candidate at the UCSD Department of Sociology, has won the 2018 Louise Johnson Scholar Award of the ASA Medical Sociology Section. Selection for the Louise Johnson Scholar Award is based on academic merit and the quality of an accepted ASA paper related to medical sociology.

The Louise Johnson Scholar fund was established in memory of Louise Johnson, a pioneering medical sociologist whose mentorship and scholarship the American Sociological Association is pleased to honor. As the Scholar recipient, Olsen will receive travel funds up to $500 to present at the annual ASA meetings in Chicago and attend section events. Her award will be presented at the section awards ceremony at ASA.

Congratulations Lauren!

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Natalie Novick Interviewd on KPBS

Graduate student as the UCSD sociology department, Natalie Novick, was featured in a KPBS interview. In the interview, titled “The Next Big Idea: What Makes Cities Good Homes for Startups,” Novick spoke on about her own research, in which she studies startups and what policymakers can do to attract them.

Novick discusses what really drives entrepreneurs and states:

“What you really see, talking with these entrepreneurs, is that they’re really driven by a mission, some unique problem or question. So offering different kinds of incentives that would support an economically-minded entrepreneur doesn’t always work for these mission-driven, often very idealist entrepreneurs.”

She continues on by explaining how although San Diego has a lot to offer, it continues to be marketed only for its tourist appeal.

“For San Diego to be a great destination for startups it will need to share its strengths with the world and let it be known for them. It has much to offer but people must see this as a ‘serious’ place and not just a vacation spot.”

To listen to the full interview, click here.

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Gary Lee Successfully Defends Dissertation

Gary Lee, graduate student at UCSD’s Department of Sociology, successfully defended his dissertation “The Illiberal Commonwealth: On the Problem of Difference and Imperial Control in Jamaica, the Straits Settlements and the Nineteenth Century British Empire” in August.

In 2017-18 school-year, he will be serving as a visiting assistant professor of sociology at Oberlin College in Ohio.

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Armand Gutierrez Recipient of Two Different Honors

Armand Gutierrez, a graduate student in the UCSD department of Sociology recently received two different honors: The California Immigration Research Initiative Graduate Student Fellowship, as well as Honorable Mention for the 2017 Graduate Student Paper Award from the Asia and Asian American Section for the American Sociological Association for his paper “A Family Affair: How and Why Second-Generation Filipino-Americans Engage in Transnational Social and Economic Connections.”

The California Immigration Research Initiative offers four graduate students fellowships of $9,000 each for doctoral students at any University of California campus researching immigration in California.

The Graduate Student Paper Award from the Asia and Asian American Section for the American Sociological Association awards a prize to the best graduate student paper addressing any topic in the sociology of either Asia/Transnational or Asian America. The winner(s) receive a cash prize of $300 at the annual meeting, divided equally first between co-winning papers, if any, and second between co-authors, if any.

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Erica Bender Receives Distinguished Teaching Award

Erica Bender, a UCSD graduate student at the sociology department was selected by the committee on Senate Awards as a recipient of the 2016/17 Distinguished Teaching Award for Graduate Students.

The Distinguished Teaching Award is a prestigious award bestowed upon up to five members of the Academic Senate, three non-Senate faculty members, and three graduate students at UC San Diego each year.It was created because UC San Diego faculty recognize the important role excellent teaching plays at the University. This Award is a tangible expression of UC San Diego’s commitment to excellence in teaching and to ensuring that this commitment is maintained. The Committee on Distinguished Teaching seeks to select those who exhibit creativity, innovative teaching methods, the ability to motivate students to actively seek out knowledge, and an extraordinary level of teaching commitment.

As a recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award for Graduate Students, she will receive an award of $500 and an individualized plaque at the Awards Ceremony to be held at the Faculty Club.

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Rawan Arar Published on Nations and Nationalism Journal

Rawan Arar, a graduate student at the sociology department and recipient of one of this year’s FISP awards, had her work “International Solidarity and Ethnic Boundaries: Using the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict to Strengthen Ethno-National Claims in Northern Ireland” published in the journal Nations and Nationalism.

In the article she writes:

This study examines flags, graffiti, murals and political speech on display in Northern Ireland that advocate for either Israelis or Palestinians. Through the concept of ‘borrowed legitimacy’, I acknowledge the strategic use of the ethnic boundary in expressions of international solidarity.

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Sociology Graduate Students Receive FISP Awards

The UC San Diego Frontiers of Innovation Scholars Program (FISP) awards project fellowships to undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars who focus on on the themes meant to build the student-centered, research-focused, service-oriented public university of the future.

  • Understanding and Protecting the Planet
  • Enriching Human Life and Society
  • Exploring the Basis of Human Knowledge, Learning and Creativity
  • Understanding Cultures and Addressing Disparities in Society

This year, three of the UCSD graduate students were recipients of this award:

  • Rawan Arar, who’s research interests are Refugees, international immigration, human rights, the Middle East, and gender.
  • Emma Greeson, who specializes in culture, economic sociology, markets, material culture, materiality, and secondhand.
  • Lindsay DePalma, who’s areas of specialization include sociology of religion, culture, economic sociology, stratification, and comparative-historical sociology.


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Teresa Zimmerman-Liu’s Article Featured in Review of Religion and Chinese Society

Teresa Zimmerman-Liu, a PhD student at the UCSD Sociology department, has an article coming out in the Review of Religion and Chinese Society this spring. She also did a podcast interview with the Center for Religion and Chinese Society, who published the journal that features her article “From ‘Children of the Devil’ to ‘Sons of God'”, where they discussed her life experiences and research paper.


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